The proteins extracted from RM can be used as a film base
material. The optimal concentration for the RMP composite film
was suggested to be 4% RMP and 1% gelatin, and the TS and E values
of the RMP composite films were significantly improved. Regarding
the RMP composite films containing OR, the RMP/gelatin film
containing 0.5% OR was chosen based on its physical properties as
well as its antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. The RMP/gelatin
composite film containing 0.5% OR reduced the populations of
L. monocytogenes and S. Typhimurium inoculated on fatty tuna
meat during storage compared with the control. In addition, the
POV and TBARS values in the fatty tuna meat decreased significantly
during storage compared with the control. Consequently, the
RMP/gelatin composite film containing 0.5% OR can be used as an
antimicrobial and antioxidant packaging material for fatty tuna
meat storage.