1. Place bellows/stem retainer/disc holder assembly into bellows leak
test fixture with the bellows flange at the base.
2. Seal the flange of the bellows to the base of the bellows test fixture as
illustrated in Figure B.1.
3. Compress the bellows approximately 1/8 inch with a securing bar so
that the bellows does not elongate when pressure is applied as in
Figure B.1.
4. Fill the disc holder with water. Omit this step for D & E Balanseal
designs as these designs have a one piece disc holder/stem retainer.
5. Apply 30 psig pressure to the back side of the bellows.
6. Apply soapy water to bellows exterior to check
for bellows integrity.
7. If bubbles appear on bellows exterior there are pin holes
or a tear. Replace bellows and repeat the procedure.
8. Check to be sure the bellows/disc holder connection is leak tight. If
water in disc holder bubbles or the connection bubbles, tighten the
connection or replace gasket.
9. Vent pressure.
10. Release bellows assembly.
11. Air dry bellows assembly to remove soapy water.