3. Analysis
3.1. Stage 1
To put the model’s theoretical grounds into practice, I have decided to analyse what I expect to prove a
mistranslation. The word I have chosen for this task is a fundamental part of The Wire's landscape: tester. This is the
definition that Álvarez (2004)provides for this term:
Tester: Free_[COST] drugs_[CONTENTS] samples given to fiends_[USER] to advertise_[TASK] the product.
In accordance, the frame that the word “tester” triggers on Baltimoreans’ minds would be something
similar to [FREE DRUG DOSE]. According to Álvarez’s definition and to the portrait of this element throughout
the series (both samples and doses tend to be packed into small pipes called vials similar to perfume samples) a
possible decomposition of the term could be as follows: