Sype came in first. I could see that she didn't want to be there. There was a strange look in her eyes, her elbows were close to her sides, and her hands felt in front of her something that was not there. There was a gun in her back, one of Carol Donovan's small guns, held in Carol's small hand. Carol had a job to do, and she didn't care about Mrs Sype.
Madder came last. He was full of whiskey, which made him brave, and his stupid little eyes shone in his red face. He pointed his gun at me and grinned nastily.
Carol Donovan pushed Mrs. Sype to one side. The older woman fell down on her knees in the corner, her eyes empty of feeling.
SYpe stared at the Donovan girl. She was a girl and young and pretty, and he didn't know what to do about it. He had never know girl like that. He could shoot men to pieces, but a pretty girl...
The small dark withe-faced girl stared at him coldly, and said in her hard little voice:
"No surprises now"
Sype didn't take his eyes off her. Slowly he put his big heavy gun on the floor.
"kick it away from you, Dad