In this paper, we propose a novel color attenuation prior for image dehazing. This
simple and powerful prior can help to create a linear model for the scene depth of the hazy
image. By learning the parameters of the linear model with a supervised learning method,
the bridge between the hazy image and its corresponding depth map is built effectively.
With the recovered depth information, we can easily remove the haze from the single hazy
image. An overview of the proposed dehazing method is shown in Figure 1. The efficiency
of this dehazing method is dramatically high and the dehazing effect is also superior to that
of popular dehazing algorithms as we will show in Section 5.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we review the
atmospheric scattering model which is widely used for image dehazing and give a concise
analysis on the parameters of this model. In Section 3, we discuss the proposed approach
of recovering the scene depth using the color attenuation prior. In Section 4, the method of
image dehazing with the depth information is described. In Section 5, we present and
analyse the experimental results. Finally, we summarize this paper in Section 6.