A group of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations.
Each culture contains smaller sub cultures a group of people with shared value system based on common life experiences and situations. Sub culture includes nationalities, religions, racial group and geographic regions. Many sub culture make up important market segments and marketers often design products.
Culture is a challenging issue for many marketers since it is intrinsically imprecise and often difficult to understand. One may violate the cultural norms of another country without being informed of this, and people from different cultures may feel uncomfortable in each other presence without knowing exactly why?
So we can understand that how this factor can play an important role in attracting customers if deal with efficiently.
For this our company has already ready by offering 5 star services which is acknowledged by the SKYTRAX agency and this can become our USP if promoted wisely. As our Emirates First Class is an elite class service so we need to make especially according to the routes on which it operates like Dubai-London flight can keep themselves up to the customer expectation by upgrading their flight services according to the demographics of the passengers travelling.
We`ll have to serve to the needs & expectations of the passengers who belong to the different nationalities like mix of different nationals by maintaining the standards this can be done by taking consideration of the cross cultural factors into consideration and have to check all the possibilities which bring these differences clear from the business point of view.
Read more: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/marketing/a-case-study-of-emirates-airline-marketing-essay.php#ixzz3t2mVZWyX