CCC induces a reduction in aerial organ growth,
and increases yield and tuber dry matter content
in potato plants (Radwan et al., 1971; Wang et
al., 2010). PBZ improves potato tuber yield by
partitioning more assimilates to the tubers and
increases starch accumulation in the tuber tissue
(Tsegaw & Hammes, 2005). It has also been
reported that PBZ treatment significantly increases
tuber fresh mass of potato, dry matter content,
and specific gravity, regardless of the method of
application (spraying or drenching) (Tsegaw &
Hammes, 2004). Other triazole compounds such
as Triadimefon (TDM) and Hexaconazole (HEX)
enhance tuberous root yield and starch content
throughout the growing season in cassava plants
AFFECTED BY TRIAZOLES IN Amorphophallus campanulatus
CCC induces a reduction in aerial organ growth,and increases yield and tuber dry matter contentin potato plants (Radwan et al., 1971; Wang etal., 2010). PBZ improves potato tuber yield bypartitioning more assimilates to the tubers andincreases starch accumulation in the tuber tissue(Tsegaw & Hammes, 2005). It has also beenreported that PBZ treatment significantly increasestuber fresh mass of potato, dry matter content,and specific gravity, regardless of the method ofapplication (spraying or drenching) (Tsegaw &Hammes, 2004). Other triazole compounds suchas Triadimefon (TDM) and Hexaconazole (HEX)enhance tuberous root yield and starch contentthroughout the growing season in cassava plantsGROWTH AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS ASAFFECTED BY TRIAZOLES IN Amorphophallus campanulatusBlume
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