to the type of air circulation which determines the functional
asymmetry of the machine. This asymmetry is also
evident in the greater amount of liquid found in one of
the two collectors, the left one (Fig. 4).
The highest values of losses to the ground were found
with the air-blast sprayer: 57% in the "rst treatment and
31% in the second. The cross distribution pro"le of these
losses is rather uniform in the "rst treatment, while more
concentrated in the second (Fig. 5).
In contrast to the traditional sprayer, the losses to the
ground of the tunnel were 31% with low leaf density and
10% in full vegetation.
In Table 3, the result of the biological controls made
on four major pests present in the Italian peach orchards
is reported. As a general consideration, both sprayers
showed a similar and satisfactory control of the four
pests. Only small di!erences can be observed between the
two systems for S. pennosa and ¹. maior.