This is the million-dollar question—but the answer varies for every situation. Instead, ask yourself, “How much do I
need to have set aside to feel more secure?” Answer that question—then decide what approach you’ll take to reach
your goal. Here are two approaches to consider:
1. Choose a specific dollar amount as a goal—$1,000
is a common amount. Think about what kind of
emergencies you could weather with $1,000.
Maybe you’d feel OK at $500, or would be more
comfortable with $1,500 or $2,000. You decide.
2. Put some numbers behind your goal:
• Add up the deductibles for your home or
renters insurance and vehicle insurance.
• Look back at the last year. How much did you
pay for vehicle repairs and other emergencies?
Include that figure in your total.
• Add in the average cost for a household appliance or other potential expense.
• Total those items and any other potential one-time emergencies and use that amount as your target.
Once you have your short-term emergency savings, you can set your sights on long-term emergency savings.