The present study findings also revealed serious
deficiencies in pregnant women knowledge regarding
most of the studied items before implementation of the
guidelines intervention. The majority of women
lacked knowledge about physiological changes during
pregnancy,they didn’t know the meaning of UTI and
also were unfortunately unaware with the adverse
effect of UTI on themselves and their baby.They gave
low score levels noticed or weak scores of knowledge
(gave incorrect and incomplete answers) before the
intervention. These findings are expected due to the
improper knowledge and lack of antenatal classes on
the issue of UTI during pregnancy. These findings are
supported by(Minassian C, et al., 2013)who
mentioned lacking of knowledge about physiological
changes during pregnancy and that the pregnant
women are at high risk for urinary tract infection.
These results also enlighten that nurses who care for
pregnant women need a clear understanding of
pregnancy, its changes, discomforts, problems arisen
as well as possible complications and that although
most women should be pleased and comfortable with
her pregnancy. The symptoms of UTI with pregnancy
tend to cause discomforts to the woman and may
become frustrated, so the nurse should be
knowledgeable with good teaching skills to provide
sound advice about measures to relieve UTI
discomforts and helps to promote the overall health
and well being of a pregnant client.
The present study findings also revealed seriousdeficiencies in pregnant women knowledge regardingmost of the studied items before implementation of theguidelines intervention. The majority of womenlacked knowledge about physiological changes duringpregnancy,they didn’t know the meaning of UTI andalso were unfortunately unaware with the adverseeffect of UTI on themselves and their baby.They gavelow score levels noticed or weak scores of knowledge(gave incorrect and incomplete answers) before theintervention. These findings are expected due to theimproper knowledge and lack of antenatal classes onthe issue of UTI during pregnancy. These findings aresupported by(Minassian C, et al., 2013)whomentioned lacking of knowledge about physiologicalchanges during pregnancy and that the pregnantwomen are at high risk for urinary tract infection.These results also enlighten that nurses who care forpregnant women need a clear understanding ofpregnancy, its changes, discomforts, problems arisenas well as possible complications and that althoughmost women should be pleased and comfortable withher pregnancy. The symptoms of UTI with pregnancytend to cause discomforts to the woman and maybecome frustrated, so the nurse should beknowledgeable with good teaching skills to providesound advice about measures to relieve UTIdiscomforts and helps to promote the overall healthand well being of a pregnant client.
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