Cassava (M. Esculenta) is an important food crop in the tropics. However, despite its high production level
(Nigeria is the world-leading producer of cassava supply has not matched demand; this is because
cassava serves both as a staple and an industrial raw material ]. Cassava starch has been extensively used
to produce biodegradable films ]. Cassava starch has been extensively used
to produce biodegradable films To avoid competition between food and industry, there is need to
expand the production of other carbohydrate-rich crops to provide an alternative substitute of cassava in
food and industry. Tree cassava (M. Glaziovii), a wild species of cassava, can be produced on large scale in
Cameroon with good yield of starch in its tubers. Starch based films properties depend on various
parameters such as the botanic origin of starch, the respective content of amylose and amylopectin, the
crystallinity, the type and content of the plasticizer and the conditions of storage such as relative humidity