The monitoring of SWD adults during the growing season will ensure early detection and rapid response. Trapping is a valuable technique that should be used for detection and to monitor adult population trends. Traps are available commercially but are also simple and inexpensive to make (Figure 3). Simply use a 32 oz. clear plastic deli cup with a Hang traps in the shaded plant canopy where fruit are present. For strawberries, this may be on the ground. Place about 1 trap/acre. Check traps weekly, record catches, and replace liquid bait on a weekly schedule. Do not pour bait out at the base of the trap as it will confuse the adults and reduce the effectiveness of the trap. You can either dispose of the bait either in a bucket or on the ground away from the monitored crop. A hand‐lens (at least 30x magnification) or a microscope will be useful for identifying male SWD and required for identifying female SWD. The best detection is expected as the fruit begin to ripen.
If fruit is ripening and SWD flies are trapped, switch to checking traps at least twice per week to assess fly distribution. Use cultural controls when possible, but registered insecticides can be used from detection until the harvest is completed.