For each plant crossed, single F1 hybrid plant was used as the
emasculated parent, receiving pollens from the donor parent
NC84173, the hybridized plants produced F1, F2, and backcross
(BC) populations. At least 2 backcross populations were developed
to locate the genomic regions considering response to A. solani. A
single F1 hybrid plant was used as the pollen receiver parent to
hybridize plants of 'NC84173' and produced BC1 seeds. The BC1
populations were sprayed-inoculated with spore suspensions of 2
and 6 isolates of A. solani. Starting from inoculation day, at 7 day
intervals thereafter, the inoculated tomato plants were scored for
EB symptoms using the mentioned Horsfall-Baratt rating scheme
for six times. The final evolution rating was considered as the final
disease severity