Pretty much every news story that makes me go “…WTF?!” is usually a result of some sort of etiquette gaff (hi there, chimney lady!). You’d think I’d be used to it by now, but no, I am not — and I am especially not used to it when it comes to workplace etiquette issues. Happily, though, I am not alone; Reddit, too, is frequently baffled by the number of etiquette gaffs made in the workplace. So you know what? Here. Let’s do something about the problem by assembling a collection of standard etiquette rules everyone should follow at work.
Redditor monkey_n_pig gets the credit for starting the conversation this time; yesterday, s/he posted an AskReddit thread inquiring, “What are some simple work etiquettes that most people just don’t get?” Putting aside the grammatically incorrect usage of the work “etiquettes” here (sorry — once an editor, always an editor), it’s an important issue to address — and Reddit rose spectacularly to the occasion with a thread that’s 5,800 comments and growing. From office kitchen do’s and don’ts to the right and wrong ways to give feedback, here are 15 of the best responses. Even though they should probably all be no-brainers, let’s just take a moment to review them, shall we? Your co-workers will appreciate it more than you know