Cyber Security Risk. Failures or
breaches of the electronic systems of
the Fund, the Fund’s adviser, and the
Fund’s other service providers, market
makers, Authorized Participants or the
issuers of securities in which the Fund
invests have the ability to cause
disruptions and negatively impact the
Fund’s business operations, potentially
resulting in financial losses to the Fund
and its shareholders. While the Fund
has established business continuity
plans and risk management systems
seeking to address system breaches or
failures, there are inherent limitations in
such plans and systems. Furthermore,
the Fund cannot control the cyber
security plans and systems of the
Fund’s service providers, the Index
Provider, market makers, Authorized
Participants or issuers of securities in
which the Fund invests.
Cyber Security Risk. Failures orbreaches of the electronic systems ofthe Fund, the Fund’s adviser, and theFund’s other service providers, marketmakers, Authorized Participants or theissuers of securities in which the Fundinvests have the ability to causedisruptions and negatively impact theFund’s business operations, potentiallyresulting in financial losses to the Fundand its shareholders. While the Fundhas established business continuityplans and risk management systemsseeking to address system breaches orfailures, there are inherent limitations insuch plans and systems. Furthermore,the Fund cannot control the cybersecurity plans and systems of theFund’s service providers, the IndexProvider, market makers, AuthorizedParticipants or issuers of securities inwhich the Fund invests.
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