A Wingman is a guy you bring along with you on singles
outings (like to bars) that helps you out with the women.
Typically in these ways :
• The Wingman will always be there to “occupy” least
attractive girl of the pair so that you may engage in the “hotty”
• Often, when an attractive girl is out with an ugly friend, she often feels restricted to not leave that ugly friend alone, thus making the hot girl, un-touchable.
• When the wingman technique is used, both girls are
approached by the men, and the Wingman automatically
engages in conversation with the ugly girl.
• Now that the hot friend sees that the ugly girl has finally found a man, she is now free to start scouting.
• This is where you come in “unexpectidly” and “accidentaly”, and begin catching up on “old times” with the Wingman.
• The Wingman then offers the ugly girl to dance, (which
rarley happens to her) so she wont be able to resist.
Two situations may arise:
1.) She tells her hot friend to come along, in which you
automatically MUST be invited, since you know the
Wingman, and have already been introduced to the hotty.
2.) They go dance, leaving you and the hotty in for
some solid face time.
• At the end of the night, after you have worked your
magic, the Wingman, AND ONLY THE WINGMAN, offers
the girls to comeback to his place for a little ‘after party’.
• Once everyone arrives, the Wingman “occupies” the
ugly girl IN ANOTHER ROOM, leaving yourself and the
sweet sweet little hotty alone so that you can bang her, bang her like a drum....
Important note: Keep in mind that a wingman
should never be too inexperienced or he will hold
you back…the Wingman should always be of equal
or greater knowledge then you.
Learning and practiceing the Wingman support system
is an unbelievable asset if done right. Your wingman is
an invaluable assistant for you so don't underestimate
the value of finding a Wingman that can work with you.
"Hey Buddy, are you gonna be my Wingman tonight?"
"I need a Wingman, ASAP!"
"If you need a Wingman, I'm here for you buddy