During the experimental campaign performed in October 2009,
the above-mentioned monitoring was extended to a section of the
flue gas treatment before the fabric filter. Here, measurements
were performed setting a CPC flow rate of 1.5 L min1 too.
Conditioning temperatures for the Rotating Disk and Thermal
Conditioner were set at 120–150 C obtaining a primary dilution
ratio (Rotating Disk) of 1:19 and a secondary dilution ratio
(Thermal Conditioner) of 1:1.3, providing a global dilution factor
equal to 1:25.
For example, in Table 2, the operative mean conditions and corresponding
standard deviations for the main parameters of the
plant during one day of the experimental campaign are shown
(October 15th, 2009). These values show sufficiently stable operating
conditions of the incineration plant. The parameters reported
in Table 2 are referred to the experimental campaign carried out
in October 2009 since in that period were also performed chemical
and morphologic analysis. As regard the combustion chamber temperature,
which can influence the chemical composition of the
emitted particle (as hereinafter reported), the authors want to
point out that in the other two periods (November 2007, June
2008) the minimum temperature of 850 C was however guaranteed
as stated by the EU Directive 2000/76/EC.
In the same period the collection of ultrafine particles on sample
substrates for the chemical analysis was carried out. To this