ethics in education
Ethics and morals are often associated with religion, but schools can also provide important lessons in ethical thinking and action.
“There’s a big fear out there that somehow teaching ethics in school will seep into students a particular religious viewpoint,” aka The Ethics Guy. “But ethics must be taught and are being taught in school. It’s impossible not to teach ethics in a school.”
there are five basic principles of ethics that are common to all faiths:
Do no harm
Make things better
Respect others
Be fair
Be loving
These values are defined differently in different parts of the world, but they are cross-cultural and expected among all groups of people. And Weinstein says they should extend beyond the walls of the sanctuary and should be taught and expected in homes and classrooms as well.
Respect Others
that we show respect by telling the truth, keeping our promises, and not listening to or spreading rumors. If someone tells you a secret, don’t tell anyone else. points to the importance of teachers respecting students. Don’t treat a child with disrespect or disdain. Don’t crush a child’s spirit. reminds us that one of the primary goals in a school is to create a community with varying talents that flourish. One of the foundational values for that, is respect—respecting one another and our differen