7. Our lady took this mountain from the boars.
18. We grow small and stupid.
19. Even if we all fall in battle,we will leave the humans in awe.
20. His Majesty is impatient.
21. This is no time for sport with country samurai.
22. The boars are gathering in the forest.
23. Keep your promise to His Majesty,then smash Asano.
24. Leave this place at sunrise.
25. My legs are still weak.
26. The scouts put us there to lure the boars in.
27. You've suffered badly.
28. Some men are still buried.
29. They're ready to sacrifice us all.
30. My warriors have returned from the land of the dead.
31. The boar skins hide their scent.
14. You won't get that power by eating a man.
32. Tell Mother it's the Deer God the humans want.
33. Fall back and tend to the wounded.
34. I didn't know the Deer God made flowers bloom.