of course the geometry or statistics or algebra that people teach at the primary level is not the same geometry or statistics or algebro taught at the secondary level.
be. One of the major things we have learned about students is that they best learn in context.
Appropriate contexts for younger students often involve concrete objects, games, and
everyday activities. Even older students need contexts. Current events and hobbies and
connections to other subjects can supply those contexts.
In general, what can we say about what we can take from leamineg’ theory? Most students have a great amount of potential for the learning of mathematics from the time they are very young. And they learn best when they are engaged, interested, and having fun. For
this reason, it might be said that the trend suggested by what we know from psychology is for
a more humane mathematics, a mathematics more connected to the needs of the learner.
6. The trend towards a more complex view of understanding mathematics
For the remainder of my remarks this morning, I have decided to elaborate on the sixth
trend, the trend towards a more complex view of understanding mathematics.