The ingredient and nutrient composition of the diets is presented in Table 1. Least squares means for average DMI are presented in Table 2. A time effect (P < 0.01)
was observed, with both groups experiencing a decrease in DMI from d −21 to 0 and an increase from d 1 to 21 relative to calving; however, no CON versus RPN
treatment differences (P > 0.10) were observed. The intake depression around calving can lead to NEB and promote fat mobilization from adipose tissue (Doepel
et al., 2002). Interestingly, in a recent transition cow study in which 24 g/d of an RPN product was fed, Morey et al. (2011) reported a decrease in DMI for RPN-treated cows by 4 kg/d compared with control cows during the final 4 d prepartum. In our study, however, no differences (P > 0.10) in DMI were found between treatments.