administrationTo synchronize the estrus of buffalo heifers (n = 50),a luteolytic dose of a PGF2analogue (15 mg luprostiol;Prosolvin®) was administered intramuscularly at a randomstage of the estrous cycle. The day of estrous expression fol-lowing the first PGF2dose was recorded and all heifersreceived a second intramuscular dose of PGF2(15 mgluprostiol) either in the early (6–9 days after estrus; n = 33)or late (11–14 days after estrus; n = 17) luteal phase. Theday of estrous expression by buffalo heifers following thesecond PGF2dose was considered the day of synchronizedestrus (D0) and was used for describing the characteristicsof estrous behavior recorded by radiotelemetry as well asthe related ovarian activity.