Social behavior – Follow their rules
When shaking hands, do not shake hands with your gloves on. Remove the gloves even if it is -30 degrees!
After entering a ger, you should always move around the stove in a clockwise direction. Do not lean against furniture of the ger wall.
Squat or kneel on the floor and if seated on a stool, tuck you feet underneath. Do not stick your feet straight out in front of you.
Do not show the bottom of your feet when sitting down in close proximity to another, it is considered offensive.
It is impolite to put your feet or shoes on chairs and tables.
When you enter a ger, do not step on the threshold. Remember, guests move in a clockwise direction to the west and north. The women's side is to the east side of the ger, and men's side is to the west.
Mount and dismount a horse from the left side.
It is rude for a woman to sit cross-legged in a ger.
If Mongolians spill airag, milk or dairy products on the ground, they will dip their fingers into it and touch it lightly to their forehead.
Do not whistle inside gers or any kind of building.
When offering a drink, consider it is better to present a cup without cracks or a damaged rim.
It is rude to walk across an area where women are milking their cows.
Usually, you must not give things to others by holding the item between the lateral edges of your fingers.
When Mongolians arrive at a ger, they yell: »Hold your dog!«, or simply enter. This, because every ger is protected by a guard dog.
Avoid standing up when drinking tea or beverages.
Avoid sitting at the corner of the table. It is believed to ensure a lonely life.
If you step on of touch someone else's foot, offer the person a quick handshake.
It is oddly redundant to say; »How are you?« to the same person more than once in the same day.
Mongolians tend to touch each other, even those they do not know.
Mongolians do not like cats. If one crosses their path, they spit over their shoulder several times.
If Mongolians see a shooting star, they believe someone is dying, and so spit over their shoulder and say: »It is not my star!«
Some Mongolians have names like »Not This«, »No Name«, »Vicious Dog«. These names are given them because of problems the family had with a child before the child was born. The names thus become taboo, misfortune is avoided, and evil spirits are confused.
If food or other items are placed out when a group sits together, it is communal property. As a cigarette packet placed on the table, it belongs to the group.
When offering cigarettes, you should also offer to light it. Cigarettes as gifts must be accompanied by matches. Two people may lit their cigarettes from one match, but three is not permitted.
Do not throw trash into an existing fire. Save it to start the next fire.
Books, papers, hand bags and valuables should not be left on the floor.
Hats should always be placed with the open end down. A man's hat and belt should never be placed on the floor, and should not touch other hats or belts.
Do not touch another person's hat
Do not take your hat off when entering a ger
If given a gift or food in a container expected to be returned, do not return the container to its owner empty. Put something in it, such as candy.
If dairy products are given to you, return the container with rice.
If you take a person's photograph, you should give the person a copy
พฤติกรรมสังคมปฏิบัติตามกฎของพวกเขาเมื่อจับมือ ไม่จับมือกับถุงมือของคุณบน เอาถุงมือแม้ว่าจะเป็น-30 องศาหลังจากป้อนการเกออาร์ต คุณควรย้ายรอบเตาในทิศทางตามเข็มนาฬิกา เอนกับเฟอร์นิเจอร์ผนังเกออาร์ตSquat หรือเข่าบนพื้น แล้วถ้านั่งบนเก้าอี้ ไปใส่คุณเท้าภายใต้ ไม่ติดเท้าตรงหน้าของคุณออกแสดงด้านล่างของเท้าเมื่อนั่งลงไปอีก ก็ถือว่าการรุกImpolite ใส่ของเท้าหรือรองเท้าเก้าอี้และโต๊ะได้ เมื่อคุณป้อนการเกออาร์ต ขั้นบนขีดจำกัด จำ แขกไปในทิศทางตามเข็มนาฬิกาทิศตะวันตกและเหนือ ผู้หญิงด้านฝั่งตะวันออกของเกออาร์ต และชายฝั่งทางตะวันตกกำหนด และยกเลิกเมาต์ม้าจากด้านซ้าย จึงหยาบสำหรับผู้หญิงนั่งไขว่ห้างในการ ger.ถ้า Mongolians หก airag นม หรือผลิตภัณฑ์นมบนพื้นดิน พวกเขาจะจุ่มนิ้วของพวกเขามา และสัมผัสเบา ๆ กับหน้าผากของพวกเขา Whistle ภายในจังหวัดแฌร์หรือใด ๆ ของอาคารเมื่อนำเสนอเครื่องดื่ม พิจารณาการนำถ้วยไม่ มีรอยแตกหรือริมเสียหาย จึงหยาบเดินข้ามพื้นที่ที่ผู้หญิงจะรีดนมวัวของพวกเขาปกติ คุณต้องไม่ให้สิ่งอื่น โดยถือสินค้าระหว่างขอบด้านข้างของนิ้ว เมื่อ Mongolians มาเป็นเกออาร์ต พวกเขาร้อง: » เก็บสุนัขของคุณ! «, หรือใส่ นี้ เนื่องจากมีป้องกันทุกเกออาร์ต โดยสุนัขรักษาAvoid standing up when drinking tea or beverages. Avoid sitting at the corner of the table. It is believed to ensure a lonely life.If you step on of touch someone else's foot, offer the person a quick handshake. It is oddly redundant to say; »How are you?« to the same person more than once in the same day.Mongolians tend to touch each other, even those they do not know. Mongolians do not like cats. If one crosses their path, they spit over their shoulder several times.If Mongolians see a shooting star, they believe someone is dying, and so spit over their shoulder and say: »It is not my star!« Some Mongolians have names like »Not This«, »No Name«, »Vicious Dog«. These names are given them because of problems the family had with a child before the child was born. The names thus become taboo, misfortune is avoided, and evil spirits are confused.If food or other items are placed out when a group sits together, it is communal property. As a cigarette packet placed on the table, it belongs to the group. When offering cigarettes, you should also offer to light it. Cigarettes as gifts must be accompanied by matches. Two people may lit their cigarettes from one match, but three is not permitted.Do not throw trash into an existing fire. Save it to start the next fire. Books, papers, hand bags and valuables should not be left on the floor.Hats should always be placed with the open end down. A man's hat and belt should never be placed on the floor, and should not touch other hats or belts. Do not touch another person's hatDo not take your hat off when entering a gerIf given a gift or food in a container expected to be returned, do not return the container to its owner empty. Put something in it, such as candy.If dairy products are given to you, return the container with rice. If you take a person's photograph, you should give the person a copy
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