„Good pretty woman!” The Yu Xixuan sound conveys, side grinning arriving Qing Shui.
„Is very attractive.” Qing Shui turns head to look at Yu Xixuan with a smile.
Yu Xixuan same is a beautiful the astonishing woman, but Qing Shui felt that the Yu Xixuan beautiful is accessible, but Shen Huang and Tantai Lingyan are beautiful has stranger not near feeling, will make people feel that the pressure is very big.
„Is your wife?” Yu Xixuan curious asking.
„You had not seen she walks turns head to look that continually my eyes don't have?” Qing Shui shakes the head to say.
„Good acid!” Saying with a smile of Yu Xixuan young lady.
„Good not saying that a friend, knows here opened Imperial Dining Hall, looks is I here, therefore came.” Qing Shui turns around to return.
Yu Xixuan follows Qing Shui, walks while said: „Did you fall in love with her?”
„Small girl knows that anything is the love, but also fell in love with her.” Qing Shui teased one.
„Smelly Qing Shui, shouted that you several elder brother Shui really have taken advantage of own seniority, I know certainly that anything was loves.” Yu Xixuan panting in indignation saying.
Saw that this mature arrogant woman adorable side is also the mood specially is at this time happy, says with a smile: „You said that anything is the love, let alone these others told you, some skills said that they had the experience.”
„That, I said actually the love is anything felt, you may not probably laugh at me.” Yu Xixuan is suddenly coy.
„You said that I do not laugh at you.” Qing Shui also wants to know that this woman to loving anything understood.
„Loves a person is likes seeing him, likes speaking with him, likes him looking for itself, likes seeing his happy appearance, likes him being very happy, likes gazing at him silently, every so often can see that he is very happy, because of his a few words, but happy or was worried”