1. The government dose not pay attention to the production of household products.
2. Hair shompoo is a hazardous product that must be labeled with a warning symbol.
3. When you used all of the hair spray you should put the empty can in the trash bin outside the house.
4.Hazarous properties of products are classified according to their a mount of toxicity.
5.There are four toutes of exposure to determine if a product is hazarous or not.
6. Indigestion means eatihng or drinking.
7. Cosmeties and perfumes are not controlled for their hazarous properties.
8.If a product label says CAUTION, it will probably do slight damage. So we don't have to pay much attention to the use ofit.
9."Directions for ues" also appears on the household product label.
10. If the product is FLAMMABLE you must not use ear a fire.