Hi dear, nice to read more of you. thank you so much for keeping in touch with me. more about myself I have a very small and happy family that reside in California Oceanside Santa Rosa and they are doing good. I usually go to visit but not until i turned 18years old....I lost my dad when i was 18 also and i was with mum in her country Spain .My mum has been the only one who have been taking good care of me, when my Dad died, It was very hard for me to get along, but i had to choose whats good for me as a man.I was close to my parents, yeah i only have my mum now. (I consider myself one of those lucky people who was born to loving parents)..i got married but that never lasted as my wife died three months after the birth of my daughter. I and my mum has been taking care of my daughter till date, and she is right now in a boarding school there in the state due to my mothers hypertensive situation, my daughter always visit on weekend basis to be with her. I am also an animal lover. We grew up with beautiful, big English Mastiffs! Some of the highlights of my life have been swimming with dolphins and manatees, meeting Jane Goodall, catching a surprise sighting of a beautiful dark seal just yards from the shore. I support several wildlife causes (such as the Gorilla Foundation). I miss having someone to hang out with, to do things with - watching a movie at home, eating a romantic dinner out, going to special events/concerts/games/etc., traveling to wherever we want to go, curling up with, talking about our day, etc. You know, all the simple pleasures in life, the kinds of things that are best when shared with that someone special...take good care of your self, i hope to read from you soon....Cheers!