The number one reason to buy physical gold and physical silver (not paper gold and paper silver, which is not the same thing) is very likely not what you think it is. I can deduce the number one reason why most people buy gold and silver simply from the disproprotionate amount of questions I receive about buying gold and silver whenever gold and silver prices are rising significantly versus when gold and silver prices are falling. In other words, most people believe that that top reason they should buy gold and silver is to profit from rising prices. However, this is far from the best reason to buy physical gold and physical silver. The number one reason to buy physical gold and silver, bar none, is the global currency rot that is happening today, that is relentless, and that Central Bankers are now helpless to stop (though they are responsible for creating it). Of course, some may say that benefiting from rising fiat currency prices of gold and silver is the same reason as protecting onself against currency rot, but in reality, these two reasons for buying gold and silver are as different as night and day, and here's why. Of those that want to benefit from rising fiat currency prices of gold and silver, the vast majority are looking for a quick score, and they buy gold and silver for this reason without even taking the time to truly understand the value of gold and silver. Those seeking a quick profit from ownership of gold and silver typically fail to understand that:
(1) the true value of gold and silver is immutable and defined by its weight in grams or troy ounces;
(2) that gold and silver should never even be priced in terms of illegitimate fiat currencies; and
(3) during periods of time when fiat currency prices of gold and silver drop, a dropping fiat currency price is only indicative of an incredible opportunity to buy similar values (weights) of gold and silver while spending less fiat currencies to do so.
As an example of this incorrect mindset, a the end of this past May, I informed a couple of friends that gold was making a short-term low at about $1200 and silver was doing likewise at $16. Because both PMs have risen considerably in fiat currency prices since then, one of these friends incredulously asked me at the start of this week if he should sell his gold and silver because both PMs had moved significantly higher in such a short time-span. In hearing this inquiry, I realized that he didn't understand the number one reason to buy physical gold and physical silver in the first place - the protection it affords all of us against Central Banker-induced global currency rot.