Teleportation of the quantum states from a photon to the
vibration modes of a millimeter-sized diamond under ambient
conditions generates a quantum link between the microscopic
particle and the macroscopic world around us, usually under
the law of classical physics. In our experiment, the ultrafast
laser technology provides the key tool for the fast processing
and detection of quantum states within its short life time in
macroscopic objects, consisting of many strongly interacting
atoms that are coupled to the environment. Combined with
the tunability of the wavelength for the retrieval laser pulse23, the
technique introduced in our experiment would be useful for the
realization of a new source of entangled photons based on the
diamond optomechanical coupling with the dual-rail encoding.
Such a source could generate entangled photons at wavelengths
inconvenient to produce by other methods. For instance,
we may generate entanglement between the ultraviolet and
infrared photons, with the infrared photon good for quantum
communication and the ultraviolet photon convenient to be
interfaced with other qubits, such as the ion matter qubits.
Such a photon source is hard to generate by the conventional
spontaneous parametric down conversion method. In future,
the tools based on the ultrafast pump and probe could be
combined with the powerful laser cooling or low-temperature
technology to provide more efficient ways for quantum control of
the optomechanical systems, with important applications for
realization of transduction of quantum signals25,26, processing of
quantum information or single-photon signals19,20,23 and sensing
of small mechanical vibration