i-Tour is the acronym for a three-year project, funded by the EU Seventh Framework Program on
Research [5]. i-Tour stands for “intelligent Transport system for Optimized URban trips” and it is a socalled
Collaborative Focused Research Project presented to the call on Surface Sustainable Transport
topic “SST.2008.3.1.2 Intelligent mobility systems and multi-modal interfaces for transport of
passengers” [6]. i-Tour consortium is formed by 9 partners: FORMIT Servizi SpA - IT (coordinator),
Fondazione Graphitech - IT, University College of London – UK, Eindhoven University of TechnologyNL, ULA Srl – IT, Fiat Group Automobiles SpA – IT, PTV AF Traffic Mobility Logistics – DE, Cadzow
Communications Consulting Ltd – UK, Fondazione FORMIT – IT.