Listening skill has been called as the ‘Cinderella Skill’ which is overlooked by its elder sister
speaking in language learning. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to reemphasize the
importance of listening skill in ELT context and to determine prospective English teachers’
perceptions of listening comprehension problems. The study was conducted at ELT Department at a
state-run University in Turkey and subjects were 124 prospective English teachers. The questionnaire
on the ‘Beliefs on English Language Listening Comprehension Problems’ was used to collect data to
assess prospective teachers’ beliefs about the English language listening comprehension problems
they could encounter in unidirectional listening. The data was analyzed in SPSS program. The study
revealed that participants used top-down processes effectively during the listening process, but they
were not so good at using bottom-up processes. In addition, no significant difference was found in
terms of genders’ perceptions of listening problems.