During the same period 652 controls were recruited and interviewed. Controls were not to have a neoplasm, bilateral oophorectomy, hormone related conditions, nor to have been on long-term modifications of diet for medical reasons. Women recruited for controls were matched with cases by age and geographical area. A total of 601 women were recruited in the Women’s Hospital. This hospital-based control sample consisted of 340 hospital visitors (15 women declined to be interviewed, nonresponse rate 4.4%) and 261 outpatients (nonresponse rate 1.2%). The hospital visitors were recruited while they visited their relatives or friends having deliveries, when they came for their own family planning, or when they came for a routine medical examination. All of the outpatients were recruited after they had consulted their doctors and their diagnoses were confirmed as minor gynecological diseases (84.7% had vulvitis, vaginitis, or cervicitis, 6.5% diagnosed with urethritis, and 5.7% had menopausal symptoms).