When you use swear words, they allow you to convey emotion that would otherwise not be as easy to communicate. Swear words increase your vocabulary and give you a wider range of emotions to invoke than if you didn’t use any.
Some swear words are extremely versatile and can be used in many different ways. When you begin to overcome your negative gut-reaction, you may start to see the beauty in all of these amazing swear words.
Of course, it’s important not to overuse swear words, just like you wouldn’t want to overuse any word. However, because some swear words are so interchangeable, it can become easy to just rely on a few swear words as the majority of your vocabulary.
The most important lesson to take home from swear words is to just notice how they make you react and ask yourself why these feelings arise inside you.
Below is a list of the nine most common swear words in English with the many different ways in which they are used.
It’s important that when you practice swear words that you do it with close friends who can help guide you towards the proper time and place to use them. But when in doubt, use them with people who are near your age.
- See more at: http://reallifeglobal.com/how-to-use-swear-words-in-english/#sthash.Uk3Z9XeF.dpuf