The CMS Blocks module allows you add any HTML content to you site very easily. You can add single blocks spanning the entire width of your site, or multiple blocks grouped together in a grid.
The CMS Blocks module can be added to any layout in all positions.
In addition to the standard module positions you can add custom blocks at the product page via the Product Tabs module, on the sides of your store via the Side Blocks, in the header and footer via HTML columns. All these features are custom HTML blocks like the CMS Blocks module.
To create a CMS Blocks module access it and click on the Create New button on the Add to Layout page, then refer to the explanations below to understand what they do. For an explanation of the Add to Layout page click here.
This is the page where you create the module. Additional styling for the CMS Blocks is done in Settings > Modules > CMS Blocks.
1 Module Name - This is the module name that will appear on the Add to Layout page.
2 Module Title - Adds title in the store front in the title bar atop your CMS blocks module. Leave empty if you don't want a title.
3 Items per Row - Indicate how many blocks you want visible per row for each resolution. Resize your browser down to see how the module adapts to each breakpoint. Adjust all sliders to achive your desired layout for each resolution.
4 Disable on Mobile - Optionally disable the module on mobile devices.