Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry analyses were
carried out with a Varian Saturn 2000 equipped with a Varian C.S
VA-5MS capillary column (30mlong and 0.25mmi.d. with 0.25 mm
film thickness). The same working conditions used for GC and split
mode injection (ratio 1:25) were employed. Mass spectra were
taken over the m/z 28e400 range with an ionizing voltage of 70 eV.
Kovats retention index was calculated using co-chromatographed
standard hydrocarbons. The individual compounds were identified
by MS and their identity was confirmed by comparison of their
RIs, relative to C8eC32 n-alkanes, and by comparing their mass
spectra and retention times with those of authentic samples or
with data already available in the NIST 2005 Mass Spectral Library
and in the literature (Adams, 2007