Firstly, Business Intelligence, Zoo needed to focus more on analytics and data management. The Zoo replaced its four legacy point of sale systems with a single platform. It enlisted IBM and BrightStar partners to build a centralized data warehouse and improvement IBM Cognos Business Intelligence to provide real time analytics and reporting. Secondly, high velocity automated decision making. The zoo now feeds weather forecast data from U.S National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website into its business intelligence system. By comparing current forecast to historic attendance and sales data during similar weather condition, the zoo is able to make more accurate decision about labor scheduling and inventory planning. In addition, zoo’s loyalty reward card, the zoo’s system captures this data and analyzes them to determine usage and spending patterns down to the individual customer level. This information helps the zoo segment visitors based on their spending and visitation behaviors and use this information to target marketing and promotion specifically for each customer segments.