ConclusionThe present study indicates that the essential oil from the aerialof V. sisymbriifolia was characterized by high levels of deriva-tives of phenol (p-cresol) and valeric acid (n-valeric acid and3-methylvaleric acid). The essential oil from the roots and rhizomesof V. sisymbriifolia was characterized by high levels of hydro-carbon monoterpenes (-pinene and camphene) and oxygenatedmonoterpenes (borneol and bornyl acetate). These monoterpenesand derivatives of phenol and valeric acid are widespread compo-nents of the essential oils of Valeriana species and used as fragrancesand flavours in the cosmetic, perfume, drug, and food industries.Variation in oil composition and yield of V. sisymbriifolia can resultfrom genetic diversity and differences in environmental conditionsand their interactions. The main source of variability in chemicalcomposition and oil yield of the studied populations seemed to bedue to differences in harvested parts of the plant.