Proximate composition of cake samples
From Table 4 it could be noticed that the fat content of cake samples were not significantly affected by substituting the flour with watermelon rind and sharlyn melon peel powder. Meanwhile, a gradual decrease in protein and moisture content of cake samples containing watermelon rind and sharlyn melon peel powder was observed with raising the replacement level. It could be also noticed that the utilization of watermelon rind and sharlyn melon peel powder in cakes resulted in grdual increase in its content of carbohydrates and ash with increasing the level of substitution. The decrease in protein and moisture content in utilized cakes were due to their lower content in watermelon rind and sharlyn melon peel powder than in flour, while the increased in ash and carbohydrate content were due to their higher content in the used substituted materials than in flour as shown in Table 2. These results are agreement with (Hanaa and Eman, 2010).