The stigma is 2-lobed (Fig. 1A). The yellowish and densely hairy
ovary is superior and cylindrical in the transversal section (Fig. 1B
and C). The trichomes, situated in the ovary, reflected light when
observed under the magnifying glass (Fig. 1B and C).
A relatively well-developed ring-shaped nectary is present at
the base of the ovary (Fig. 1A), where there are stomata and trichomes
similar to those found in the ovary. The type of nectary and
the presence of trichomes in the nectary are considered invariable
features, making them importantin the determination of species of
different genera, including Amphilophium (Rivera, 2000). Some of
the features described above were also described for genus determination
by Sandwith and Hunt (1974), Galetto (1995), Nogueira
et al. (2013) and Lohmann and Taylor (2014).
The stigma is 2-lobed (Fig. 1A). The yellowish and densely hairyovary is superior and cylindrical in the transversal section (Fig. 1Band C). The trichomes, situated in the ovary, reflected light whenobserved under the magnifying glass (Fig. 1B and C).A relatively well-developed ring-shaped nectary is present atthe base of the ovary (Fig. 1A), where there are stomata and trichomessimilar to those found in the ovary. The type of nectary andthe presence of trichomes in the nectary are considered invariablefeatures, making them importantin the determination of species ofdifferent genera, including Amphilophium (Rivera, 2000). Some ofthe features described above were also described for genus determinationby Sandwith and Hunt (1974), Galetto (1995), Nogueiraet al. (2013) and Lohmann and Taylor (2014).
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