On basis of Friedman and Wilcoxon tests we have found out that SMEs in Slovakia mostly agree with the
statement that ‘green logistics is the ecological way of transporting materials and goods, as well as using
environmentally friendly packaging’. The lowest numbers of respondents understand green logistics as ‘optimum
management of supplies and environmental system of quality management’. For us a very interesting finding was
that out of the number of activities of green logistics, most SMEs in Slovakia are engaged in separating and
recycling waste, while at the same time trying to decrease the material demands of production. The activity they are
least engaged in is providing training in the field of green logistics to their employees. Among those activities of
green logistics that are not implemented by Slovak enterprises, are: choosing environmentally suitable suppliers,
using environmental ways of transportation, and using alternative sources of energy. Since as much as 70 % of
Slovak SMEs who participated in our research, stated that they do not educate their employees in this field, and 54 %
do not plan to do so, we can say that the implementation of the activities of green logistics is not attractive for
Slovak SMEs, as it is primarily the employees who are responsible for carrying out these activities.