Central nervous system finding
EEG finding
Central nervous system finding
1) Common central nervous system side effects of hydrOXYzine are SLEEPINESS, DROWSINESS, and HEADACHE [35][36][37][38][39]. DIZZINESS, WEAKNESS, DEPRESSION, and IRRITABILITY are also possible CNS effects of hydrOXYzine therapy [39][36].
2) Drowsiness and dry mouth were frequently reported side effects in one study involving 43 patients. Tolerance to these side effects appeared to develop within 10 days [40].
EEG finding
1) HydrOXYzine does not appear to produce changes in electroencephalograms [41].
Psychiatric Effects
Hydroxyzine Pamoate
a) Adult Postmarketing
1) Hallucinations have been reported with hydroxyzine pamoate use in postmarketing surveillance [55].