ZEBRA PLANT has been a long time houseplant favorite but is not always easy to keep under normal household conditions. Also known as Zebra plant because of the prominent stripes on the foliage, Zebra requires a bright light situation. Bright, indirect, filtered light is preferable. Morning sun is tolerated but keep out of very hot sunny locations.
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ZEBRA PLANT often become leggy and leafless when kept in the home under less than optimal conditions. You may be able to avoid this by keeping them in bright light. Do not allow the soil to dry out completely and provide adequate humidity and temperatures.
CUTTING BACK stems as they become leggy and pinching out new growth tips occasionally can help keep your Zebra plant full. As with most plants, the water required will be less in the winter. Please be sure to check out the section on watering and lighting for your plants for more information on the most important parts of your plant care.