The Power of Positive Regard
Jeffrey Benson
Being recognized and affirmed by a powerful adult can be life-changing for a young person.
"I think if I had to put a finger on what I consider a good education, a good radical education, it wouldn't be anything about methods or techniques. It would be loving people first."
—Myles Horton, We Make the Road by Walking: Conversations on Education and Social Change
There's a tiny scene in the film Boyhood: A character off-handedly mentions to a young Latino man that he is smart. Later in the film, the man identifies how that comment, that bit of simple and unsupported praise, was a pivotal moment that changed his life and inspired him to go back to school.
Many voices in the education community question the value of such simple, unearned praise, yet done in the right spirit, it can help an educator change a student's life. Of course, I also want much of the praise I give students to be based on specific evidence. I support educators who make room for students to evaluate their own work. And I believe praise should never be delivered as a final judgment of character—because such hubris would also allow us to deliver a damning assessment that could haunt a student for years.
But I believe offering praise that's not based on achievement—praise that communicates each person's unassailable right to a unique place in our human community—is important. For many students, such heartfelt and spontaneous praise is invaluable.
The Power of (Unconditional) Positive Regard
Many of us have had the experience of being buoyed up by adult praise. There was a teacher, grandmother, coach—a trusted adult—who looked at us and communicated in some fashion, "I notice you for who you are, and who you are is worthy." That notion, often called unconditional positive regard, is a foundation of the work of psychologist Carl Rogers. Positive regard of your human existence is not an earned status. You don't have to dance a certain way, dress a certain way, talk a certain way, or do anything special to be special.
People who historically have not experienced receiving unconditional positive regard as a birthright have a harsher life. Consider how rarely people from minority groups explicitly hear in the dominant mainstream culture, "your life mattered from the moment you were born." Given the recent murders of young black men and women, it's chilling to consider what W.E.B. Du Bois (1903), writing a century ago about the chronic abuse of black people, asked: "How does it feel to be a problem?"
Among the many outcomes of the U.S. Civil rights movement were two important cultural shifts: Black history became a school subject and "Black is Beautiful" became a slogan. That slogan (echoed in "Black Lives Matter") spoke to the belief that you were born beautiful when you were born black; you didn't have to do anything to your hair or skin to be considered beautiful. It was great to hear it said, loud and proud.
You Are Not a Test Score
Our national obsession with achievement testing has made it harder to praise students just for who they are, not for their academic accomplishments. Schools have bent toward the end of the spectrum that identifies and celebrates only one way of being a student—scoring well on mandated tests. Teachers are under tremendous pressure to inch up test scores. My work takes me to a wide range of schools, and I often hear teachers say, "This is how you'll see this question on the test." When high test scores become the main thing policymakers expect, it's easy for us to fall into a school culture that eliminates other avenues of recognition.
This achievement obsession has been countered by Carol Dweck's work (2006) on the importance of instilling growth mindsets and praising effort—because effort is within students' control and observable. Educators are encouraged to say things like, "I see you put in the effort to correct your error, and that helped you get the right answer." Equally important is that praise for effort be delivered with joy and heartfelt appreciation: "The smile on my face now is from watching the effort you put into correcting your error. I hope you too feel good about your work." Students need more than data—they need our emotional connections.
I need to show my hand here: I don't think our schools' goal is to outscore other countries on standardized tests. And I don't think students who emerge from schools should be measured by their capacity to be technicians for big companies. I'd like my students to achieve measurable basic skills and to be happy to learn, to know how to participate in our democracy, to create from their thoughts and with their hands what is uniquely theirs to create—and to believe that they are innately worthy members of our society.
In every school I work in, I tell each of my students individually at some point that I find him or her funny, clever, or creative—a pleasure to have around. I tell students that they have