A Duanshi PT98-type treadmill (Xin Ruan Information
Technology Ltd., Shanghai, China) was used in this experiment.
Animals were trained according to the Bedford animal
training load standard13 described in Table 1 and Fig. 1. After
1 week of adaptation training, rats were exercising twice a day,
one time in the morning and one time in the afternoon with
minimum 5 h rest between the two exercise segments. Total of
9 weeks exercise with each training cycle lasted for 1 week (6
days exercise, 1 day rest). Vaginal smear was performed daily
to monitor menstrual cycle for each rat throughout the 9-week
study.12 Menstrual cycle dysfunction was diagnosed by the
onset of estrus phase or length change of anestrus phase in
menstrual cycle as described previously.14,15
A Duanshi PT98-type treadmill (Xin Ruan Information
Technology Ltd., Shanghai, China) was used in this experiment.
Animals were trained according to the Bedford animal
training load standard13 described in Table 1 and Fig. 1. After
1 week of adaptation training, rats were exercising twice a day,
one time in the morning and one time in the afternoon with
minimum 5 h rest between the two exercise segments. Total of
9 weeks exercise with each training cycle lasted for 1 week (6
days exercise, 1 day rest). Vaginal smear was performed daily
to monitor menstrual cycle for each rat throughout the 9-week
study.12 Menstrual cycle dysfunction was diagnosed by the
onset of estrus phase or length change of anestrus phase in
menstrual cycle as described previously.14,15
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