Some people say the crooked and straight. All the time. For everyone. You can not know where it comes from, but it comes easy. And there are people who never says. Spends his life waiting for the right person at the right time, the right way - it's such a special day. You can tell who is stuck in the throat, but not out. Hard. Two extremes of a decision: to speak or not to speak?
Remember that talking is different from feeling. There are those who feel and do not talk, and those who talk without knowing feels. Ie has it all (and no warranties). So even better, both for the speaker and for those who hear it, feel it first. You know that love is not just a word that verbalizes a feeling. Yes, love is an action verb and asked attitude and especially consistency between what is said and what is done.
There is no right or wrong time, or a better or worse way. Each has his, and you can only recognize this moment when it is connected to the inside. What is the true account of spontaneity and the courage to speak what you feel. Without that making games. This thing of "who speaks first is most vulnerable" is silly. Use the exposure of such a noble sentiment to measure power over another is unacceptable. Ultimately live under such simple rules will only cause suffering.
Who loves wants to be loved, but not always it will happen. And who says also want to hear, but that is not always so. People are different and we have no control over the other. Thus, the more real you are in a relationship, the less regrets will collect - and more mature and more aware and more security will acquire.
And if your question is like saying "I love you", I imagine that perhaps is not your time. When we feel and have the courage to say what you feel, is not in doubt how to do this. Simply speaking. Direct and straight! Because talking is good. Because love does state very well. Washes the soul, enlightens the heart and gives the feeling of lightness. Of life lived.
And if by chance the other is not ready to return, relax. Let it flow and do not feel rushed. What good is love if not to be shown? What good is life if it is done for a living oyster, closed in on itself and hiding his pearl? Open up and let life turn you into a rare and unique jewel that has come to shine and not hide what is best!