The task was a fine-motor task based on davies and dickoff-hoffman(1993), used to assess ability to throw a softball toward an object. Specifically, the participant aimed to hit a target displayed on a pitching target area with nine block (1.5*1.5m). the throwing distance was 10 m. during the task. The participant first took warm-up throws until he or she was ready to act. Then, the participant was instructed to throw to a target selected by drawing lots. The score for hitting the target(e.g.,5)was 5, score for hitting the other target areas within pitching target areas (e.g., 1.2.3) was 3. And score for not hitting any was 0 the participant was asked to throw as accurately as possible at the softball pitching target. Each participant had six throwing attempts with the target selected by drawing lots before each throw, with the average of the six scores used for further analysis.