LIMITATIONS OF MARKETING CONCEPT 1.The selling concept What is the selling concept?According to this concept the company's entire focus is on selling and hence making a lot of sales.The selling effort is backed by serious promotional activities and aggressive advertising.The company does not bother about the market demand,they just want to sell what they produce.When is the selling concept adopted? This concept is practiced when the firm is into the business making products which the consumers do not know much about.We call these unsought goods.The consumers do not consider or think about buying such products.A good example of such products is:Insurance Policies Important Fact: This is adopted when the firm faces something which we call over capacity Limitations: I do not believe in the selling concept as it is important for the firms to think about the long term relations with the customers rather than making sales.In the selling concept marketing begins after the product has been made.Marketing should start with identifying the market needs,this means that marketing is something that should begin before the product is made.Customer satisfaction and long term profitable relations are more important