We have addressed the issue by combining catalytic and scrubber
technologies to achieve a ‘‘single compact’’ device for simultaneous
abatement of PM, NOx, SOx, CO and hydrocarbons (HC). The
concept has been investigated both at laboratory- and pilot-scales
[28], using real exhausts generated from diesel engines run on low
and high sulphur content fuels, within the framework of the ECOMOS
project.1 The laboratory micro-plant was employed to assess
the feasibility of the project and to provide information for dimensioning
of the pilot plant, which used an Isotta Fraschini
V1716T2TE 1.5MW marine engine. The results obtained on the pilot
plant are presented here, focussing the catalytic aspects, whereas
those on the micro-plant will be detailed elsewhere. To our knowledge,
NO oxidation under such harsh conditions has not been
addressed as previous studies have focussed either model feed or
low sulphur content fuels.