Thirty-three studies were included; the number of participants was unclear. Thirteen were RCTs, two were cluster
RCTs, 14 were quasi-experimental studies, and four were cluster quasi-experimental studies. One study was rated high
quality, 13 were moderate, nine were low, and 10 were very low. The overall quality of evidence was low for the
outcomes of gestational weight gain, maternal anaemia, low birth weight, birth weight, and pre-term birth
Thirty-three studies were included; the number of participants was unclear. Thirteen were RCTs, two were clusterRCTs, 14 were quasi-experimental studies, and four were cluster quasi-experimental studies. One study was rated highquality, 13 were moderate, nine were low, and 10 were very low. The overall quality of evidence was low for theoutcomes of gestational weight gain, maternal anaemia, low birth weight, birth weight, and pre-term birth
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