These shovelling motions were predominantly directed to the front, but sometimes also sideways (Plate 1c; see Swennen & Marteijn 1988, Pedersen et al. 1998).
Assessing intake rates was difficult, as swallowing movements (Plate 1d)
were never conspicuous and food items too small and rapidly processed to be identifiable, but some successful feeding bouts are evident in the video (e.g. SOM 2: 4 minutes 44 seconds).
We also observed SBS processing larger food items on four occasions, which required more extensive mandibulation for 1–2 seconds, but were unable to ascertain their identity.
It appeared that some prey detection or at least ‘shovelling site selection’ was undertaken visually, with birds walking on ‘tip toes’ with neck outstretched (e.g. SOM 2: 5 minutes 35 seconds).
Some agonistic interactions were observed with birds chasing Red-necked Stints Calidris ruficollis and being displaced by Red-necked Stints, Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus and Sanderling Calidris alba.