Rule followers versus rule breakers Industries are populated by firms that submissively seek rewards under the broader conditions of environment; these firms surf the waves and try to best manage the risks of imposed by changes in the environment. Suppose we call them Type A international marketers or rule followers. Type A firms are willing to follow the rules and opt for a lower level of risk in return for more stability and security. The second group, Type B international marketers, are rule breakers. They define the rules of game and change the competitive terrain to their favor. Apple, Dell, Lego Amazon, and Facebook can be given as examples. These are players that preempt firm transformation by ensuring adaptability of the environment to their own game. Through r- their marketing sensory skills, the rule breakers are apt to ts see ten things where others see only one in the horizon. By t- connecting upstream and downstream in both directions, rule breakers broaden the variation between the fit and s. misfit by shaping relevant practice. They see the disruptive influence of four forces as a breakout possibility and d capitalize on the opportunity. The future belongs to these firms e breakers or Type B players.